Information is the commodity. Minds are the target demographic. Eyeballs leering at information unaware that their master is being tracked, monetized, commodified, indexed, labeled, ordered, predicted, examined, and described. Quantity--the sadist--slaps down her mistress Quality for the world to watch. The more of the world that does the more depraved and banal it becomes. Trapped in language and its cousin semiotics, minds are made to suffer.
We are not dehumanized by our technology, we are dehumanized by the paradoxical nature of both informational complexity which brings the mind exchange to more ears and eyeballs and the inherent reactive diversity of subculture it generates. Gods and demons can not be blamed for our lack of meaning. Bondage to persona makes for willing puppets to the mandates of culture -- soon perhaps to be [C]ulture or even Culture ®.
My website needs traffic. My videos need subscribers. My music needs listeners. My writing needs readers. My art needs experiencers. Numbers abstractly representing the potential of mimetic distortions and transmission of signals not quite what I had meant them to be. With every number that hops up onto the stack of past experience I become more fascinated with the activity rather than the message. It makes me ill. (btw, did you click on my ad? I hope not.)
Economics, marketing, business, and slavery to the biological machine fill the halls of most colleges. CONSUME. Celebrity comes from abnormally large breasts, the ability to throw a ball, and simply being an asshole. Willingness to conform, the desire for an all encompassing "easy button," and living vicariously through celebrity effects corrosive hostility to intellectual pursuits. Philosophy is synonymous with Conceit.
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