Friday, May 9, 2008


2:17AM: Sitting at my desk while smoking a cigarette and pondering the holistic effect that decentralized organizations such as anonymous are having on the internet. Interesting to note as well that this is the very essence of the internet's origin.

2:19AM: The pain in my jaw is nearly unbearable. The nicotine and caffeine are coursing through my veins. It helps, but only mildly so.

2:22AM: I am surprised that FNORD (did you see that?) hasn't made more of an impact in cyberspace.

2:35AM: D___ just stumbled in -- drunk. Interesting conversation. Odd how being sober allowed for such density in my end of the conversation. So much information transmitted.

2:37AM: There must be a resource for studying the content within a body of text more so than simple "analytics" provided by this push toward the transmission of information. True, artificial intelligence is a sort of holy grail in this aspect but I'm looking more for the language and developmental arena. This is something I should spend a bit of time on.


2:40AM: The intention behind this post will perhaps mean something to those I intend it for. Hence, wq2rx: Who are you?

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